
Incorporating Tactics and Techniques in the Three-Phase Reading Delivery

  A.    Incorporating Tactics and Techniques in the Three-Phase Reading Delivery   a. Pre-Reading Strategies to Activate Prior Knowledge and Set Purpose: Pre-reading strategies are techniques used before reading to prepare students for the text and activate their prior knowledge. These strategies include: Activating Prior Knowledge: Encouraging students to recall what they already know about the topic or related concepts. Previewing: Previewing the text by looking at titles, headings, illustrations, and other text features to make predictions and generate interest. Setting a Purpose: Helping students identify why they are reading the text and what they hope to learn from it, which enhances motivation and focus. b. During-Reading Techniques to Enhance Comprehension and Engagement: During-reading techniques are used while students are reading to monitor comprehension and engage with the text actively. These te...

Questions and Questioning Strategies in Reading Comprehension

  A.    Questions and Questioning Strategies in Reading Comprehension a.      Types of Reading Comprehension Questions (e.g., literal, inferential, evaluative)   Types of reading comprehension questions can be categorized into several main types based on the cognitive processes they require readers to engage in. Here are some common types of reading comprehension questions: Literal Questions: Literal questions focus on the explicit information presented in the text. They require readers to recall facts, details, and information directly stated in the text. Literal questions often begin with who, what, where, when, why, or how, and their answers can be found explicitly in the text without the need for interpretation or inference. Example: "According to the text, what is the capital city of France?" Inferential Questions: Inferential questions require readers to make logical deductions, draw conclu...