About The Writer


Aco Nasir was born in Tutallu (now Tubbi Taramanu), Polewali Mandar district, West Sulawesi province. He is the seventh child of nine children from the couple Hudanasir and Hadana. He finished elementary school at SDN 021 Ratte, TUTAR in 2004-2005. In the same year, he continued his junior high school at SLTP Muhammadiyah Wonomulyo and graduated in 2006-2007. Then he continued to high school at MAN Lampa POL-MAN and graduated in 2009-2010. After that, he completed his Bachelor's degree (S1) from STAIN PAREPARE (State Islamic High School) in 2015 with a specialization in English Education, Department of Tarbiyah. in 2017, he completed his postgraduate program majoring in English Language Teaching (ELT) at the State University of Malang (UM) and obtained a Masters degree (S2). During his studies in the undergraduate program, he received a scholarship from (STAIN parepare) and also received a scholarship for the master program from the Cooperation Program for the Development of Educators and Education Personnel (P2TK) with four state universities in Indonesia. And completed the postgraduate program majoring in English Language Teaching (ELT) at the State University of Malang (UM) and obtained a Master's degree (S2). He started his career as an English Lecturer at Al-Asyariah Mandar University since the end of 2017. In addition, he is also active in the activities of a literary organization called the Association of Indonesian Literature Scholars (HISKI) in West Sulawesi region.

His Work:

1. Google Scholar

2. Reserch Gate


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