Reading as a form communication


A.   Reading as a form communication


Reading is undeniably a form of communication, albeit one that is often overlooked or taken for granted. When we read, we are not simply decoding words on a page or screen; we are engaging in a complex process of interpreting symbols to derive meaning. This process mirrors many aspects of oral communication. Just as we listen to someone speak and interpret their words to understand their message, we read text and interpret its meaning. Moreover, reading allows for communication across time and space. We can read the words of someone long gone and feel a connection to their thoughts and experiences. Additionally, reading enables us to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds, as we can access literature and information from around the world. In this way, reading serves as a powerful tool for communication, allowing us to connect with others, share ideas, and expand our understanding of the world.


Naturally, reading is the process of interpreting written or printed symbols to understand their meaning. It involves recognizing and understanding words, sentences, and paragraphs to comprehend the information conveyed by the text. Reading typically begins with the recognition of individual letters and their corresponding sounds, which are then combined to form words. As reading skills develop, readers are able to recognize words more quickly and accurately, allowing them to focus on understanding the meaning of the text as a whole. Reading is a complex cognitive process that involves not only decoding the words on the page but also understanding their context, making inferences, and drawing connections between ideas.


Reading as a form of communication involves a series of steps. Initially, the reader decodes the written symbols to recognize words. Subsequently, they assign meaning to these words based on their language knowledge and context, leading to interpretation. This is followed by analysis, where the reader identifies the text's main ideas and themes. Next, evaluation occurs, where the reader assesses the text's credibility and relevance. Readers then formulate responses, which can include thoughts, opinions, or questions inspired by the text. Feedback may be provided through discussions, reviews, or personal reflections. Finally, readers may further interact with the text by re-reading, annotating, or researching related topics. This process facilitates communication between the author and the reader, enabling the exchange of ideas, information, and perspectives.



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